Daughtert of Willis Kedgia
Died in an institution, location unknown. His mothe was a relative of his wife.
She came to Minnesota at age of 16 years. After her death, her children were sent ot their Aunt Fannie (Frances Miner Maxon).
Died young.
Divorced in 1930. No issue. She lived in Schleswig, Iowa.
His first job was in a print shop in Plano. In 1883 he left home for Ouray, Colorado. He remoined in Colorado until 1904; lived in Illinois 1904 to 1908; lived Nevada 1908 to 1920. Then he settled in San Francisco and died there 26 May 1956.
Daughter of Ben C. Miller and Henrietta Butler. She and Fred separated about 1900, Mary returning to Chicaog with their child. She remarried, and died in 1920.
Born on the farm owned by Fredrick Jedediah Allen Miner, LaSale County, Illinois.
Born on the farm owned by John Abrah Miner East of Waterloo, on what is now known as old highway 20.
Born on the farm owned by John Abrah Miner East of Waterloo, on what is now known as old highway 20.
FamilySearch showed this additional information:
Birth - Date: 3 May 1858 Place: Cornell, Livingston, Illinois
Daughter of Benjamin Franklin Burt IV and Rebecca Mercy Campbell.