49899. Nichole Gensine YOUNG (Spencer Wren YOUNG , Samuel Davis YOUNG , Mary Miner PARROTT ).
They had the following children.
51242 F i McKenzie Taylor BROUGH. 51243 F ii Addison Ashely BROUGH.
Nichole also married Geoffry GRANT.
They had the following children.
51244 F iii Hannah Jade GRANT. 51245 F iv Hadley Sage GRANT.
49932. Thomas Brien GOLIS (Thomas Blandin GOLIS , Dale MINER , Winchester Rutledge ).
They had the following children.
51246 M i Elias GOLIS.
49999. Ann Marie SACHS (Marie Louise PENFIELD , Maurice Eugene PENFIELD , Evalyn Louise MINER ).
Ann married Trevor Allen QUIGLEY.
They had the following children.
51247 M i Noah Allen QUIGLEY.
50003. Jeanna Louise SMITH (Cindy Sue PENFIELD , Maurice Eugene PENFIELD , Evalyn Louise MINER ).
Jeanna married Gerald Roy WHITE Jr..
They had the following children.
51248 M i Easton Nicholas WHITE. 51249 M ii Hunter Matthew WHITE. 51250 F iii Schuyler Elizabeth WHITE.
50004. Matthew James SMITH (Cindy Sue PENFIELD , Maurice Eugene PENFIELD , Evalyn Louise MINER ).
Matthew married Angela Nicole SCANLAND.
They had the following children.
51251 F i Kaleigh Nicole SMITH. 51252 F ii Faithlyn Jade SMITH. 51253 M iii Caleb Mathew SMITH.
50005. Elizabeth Christian SMITH (Cindy Sue PENFIELD , Maurice Eugene PENFIELD , Evalyn Louise MINER ).
Elizabeth married Stuart McKenzie MILLER.
Elizabeth also married Darren Charles AGUERO.
They had the following children.
51254 M i Tregg Matthew AGUERO.
50006. Caleb Penfield SMITH (Cindy Sue PENFIELD , Maurice Eugene PENFIELD , Evalyn Louise MINER ).
Caleb married Annette Elizabeth GILLUM.
They had the following children.
51255 F i Emily Rose SMITH.
50014. Kristen Jean DEWIRE (Mary Jean WILLIAMS , Lyle Fiske WILLIAMS , Mabel Alice FISKE ).
Kristen married Scott MERRITT.
They had the following children.
51256 M i Joshua MERRITT. 51257 M ii Kyle MERRITT.
50016. Susan Joy DEWIRE (Mary Jean WILLIAMS , Lyle Fiske WILLIAMS , Mabel Alice FISKE ).
They had the following children.
51258 M i Kristopher CHESTER. 51259 F ii Katrina CHESTER.
50029. Paige Catherine ZAVAL (Kelly Ann MINER , Frederick Irvin , Frederick Irving ).
She had the following children.
51260 M i Jacob Edward ZAVAL is printed as #50027.
50049. Jonathan Chandler MINER (Philip Harrison , Raymond Willard , Raymond Willard ).
Jonathan married Jillian Mary GARCIA.
They had the following children.
51261 F i Lisa Antionette MINER. 51262 M ii Lucas Kendall MINER.
50050. Anna Elizabeth MINER (Philip Harrison , Raymond Willard , Raymond Willard ).
Anna married Edward Andrew RITCHIE.
They had the following children.
51263 F i Evelyn Riley RITCHIE. 51264 F ii Diana Isabelle RITCHIE.