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The Society’s newsletter, THE MINOR MIRROR, is published twice yearly in April and October. It carries articles concerning our early ancestors as well as news about our members, their families and upcoming reunions.


A Microsoft Word document is best. Members are encouraged to send pictures and articles to the Editor for consideration:

There’s no specific target length. Anywhere from 600 to 1200 words is adequate as a rule of thumb, but ultimately, this is your story, tell it.


If you are uncertain about the below specifications, ask your kids, or grandkids.

  • Format — jpeg format, PNGs, PDFs are OK.
  • DPI — 300 DPI is ideal but do what you can.
  • Size – under 15 MG.
  • PHOTOS – Make sure it’s well lit and without a flash. Cell phones take great photos, but get help from someone adept at taking these photos.

 Submission deadlines:

                                           SPRING            FALL

Submission Deadline …. Feb 1st………… August 1st

Issues Mailed by ………… Ap 2nd…………. Oct 1st


It’s easy to stay connected with TMS:
Thomas Minor Society


John A. Miner, founder of TMS, published several books on Thomas and his descendants.  Two of these publications is still available in limited quantities from the Society.  Send your order(s) to Fred Burdick, 595 Taugwonk Rd., Stonington, CT 06378.  All prices are listed in US dollars (USD).  Contact Fred Burdick ( before ordering for all orders outside of the US or Canada.

The Minor Diaries – There are two diaries in one book.   Stonington, CT. Thomas’ diary dates from 1653 until 1684.  Manassah’s diary dates from 1696 to 1720.  Originally published in 1976.

  • $35.00 plus $2.50 shipping and handling in the US or $5.00 for shipping to Canada.

An Ancestral Narrative – 2nd Edition, Descendants of William Myner, born circa 1450.  This is an important study of the early history of descendants of Thomas Minor.  It includes a copy of a rare journal describing the fright-filled journey in 1629, details about the circumstances in England which prompted Thomas’s departure, excerpts from Thomas’s diary, new information on Thomas’s ancestors in Chew Magna from 1523 on, and much, much more.

  • If you would like a copy ( cost around $35.00 + shipping) please contact Fred Burdick at the address above and let him know of your interest.

Interesting Links

The links listed below are of particular interest for descendants of Thomas and Grace Minor.

FOLD 3 –  Discover your military ancestor


HeritageQuest is a comprehensive collection of American historical and genealogical resources dating back to the eighteenth century.


The LOC’s digital collections are regularly updated, and do not require a library card to access.

United Nations Archive

 This giant database is focused on federal-level records, such as Census data, military records, immigration and naturalization records, land ownership data, and more.

USGenWeb project.  

This public-rain genealogy resource relies on users to collect important data to be shared for research. It contains local histories, cemetery records, vital records, obituaries, and more.

Castle Garden and the Ellis Island Foundation:

Both of these resources contain free access to records of people immigrating to America via Ellis Island. Castle Garden focuses on the earliest records, before Ellis Island was established. 

The Statue of Liberty—Ellis Island Foundation, Inc 

Castle Garden

Find a Grave:  

This resource focuses on cemeteries, death records, and obituaries. It is often used to pinpoint exactly where ancestors were buried.

Links to Miner Family-related genealogical web pages:

Chew Magna Village Home Page

Photos of Chew Magna (from Baber Family Site)

History of St. Andrews Church (from Baber Family Site)

William Chesebrough of Stonington, CT

In addition, you might find the following general purpose genealogical web-sites useful:


Cyndi’s List

Family Search


On this page are listed selected biographies of prominent descendents and spouses of Thomas and Grace Palmer Minor.

If you would like to have additional biographies added to this page, please forward a copy of the biography to the Webmaster in Word or PDF format. The webmaster reserves the right to edit your document for style consistency and for spelling and grammar.

Miner, Albert (1809 – 1848)
Miner, Moroni (1835 – 1935)
Miner, Nelson Preston, Capt. (1827 – 1879)
Miner, Tamma Durfee (1813 – 1885)

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